Your Support Is Everything
We believe in rural America. We believe in the strengths, ingenuity, grace and grit of rural America. Above all, we believe in the promise of rural America. Please consider joining in our goal to grow a platform of advocacy to empower rural communities across the country. We are driven by our belief that the more engaged and prosperous rural and small town America becomes, the more our national divides will narrow and our country as a whole will be strengthened. Our initial goal is to establish a scholarship fund for people who specifically want to use their education to empower rural communities either through work that will benefit them as a whole or through identifying and fulfilling a need specific to their own community.
To our donors
We value our privacy and we value yours. RPUSA will not sell or distribute your name or personal information.
Rural Promise USA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations qualify as tax deductible.